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stope hole checking instrument in mining

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(PDF) Design and dimensioning of sublevel stoping for …

The current needs of the stoping-based underground mining sector are to increase the amount of geotechnical data, automate stope design and implement related software, and integrate these into ...

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Stope geometry

The longest stope: 46 m (150 ft). Height: 20 m (65 ft) sill to sill. For a final height of open stope of 91 m (300 ft). Width: average thickness of 6 m (20 ft). The smallest stopes are 3 m to 4.6 m thick (10 ft to 15 ft). Dip is nearly vertical. RMR: approximately 75, average 80. Backfill type: Waste rock generated from development is dumped in ...

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Mining Stope Development Method

Sublevel stoping, sublevel caving, top-slicing, and block-caving require more stope preparation before ore extraction can begin. In sublevel stoping (a form of open stoping), ore chutes, manway, and …

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8.3.2: Shrinkage Stoping | GEOG 000

8.3.2: Shrinkage Stoping. Shrinkage stoping is a vertical stoping method, conducted in a vertical or near-vertical plane, and at an angle greater than the angle of repose of the broken ore. A defining characteristic of shrinkage stoping is that most of the blasted (broken) ore remains in the stope to support the hanging wall and footwall. However, …

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308 Underground Mining Stope Layout Optimization …

the best combination of available stope layout directly affect the profitability of an underground mining operation (Dimitrakopoulos and Grieco, 2009; Topal and Sens, 2010). Production scheduling can be defined as the allocation of resources and mined out ore reserves over a period of time with particular sets of constraints.

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Longhole. This method consists in a variety of chambers where the mine blocks are generally cut by sub-levels from which long holes are drilled in plans that are generally parallel. These boreholes allow to blast the block by successive vertical break. The broken ore is mucked out by drawpoints or by longitudinal retreat.

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(PDF) Innovation in up-hole deviation measurements in sublevel stoping

A new measuring system has been incorporated into explosive charging units to monitor the accuracy of drilling. The innovation of the project is the implementation of a sensor coupled to the hoist ...

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Industry Survey on the Current State of Stope Design …

Stope design is a core discipline within mining engineering. This study analyzes the current state-of-the-art of stope design through a survey addressed to mining industry professionals. In stope design research the dominance of empirical methods has slowly shifted towards numerical methods. Recent advancements have mostly focused …

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Choice of Method

The long-hole stoping was carried out in 1998 on Level 5 in Zone 50. The results were satisfying with very low dilution observed. The trial has proven that the long-hole stoping with a drilling diameter of 5 cm (2 in) is achieveable for this type of deposit. The rock is competent (diorite) and the mineralized zone is sub-vertical.

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Stope | mining | Britannica

Other articles where stope is discussed: mining: Underground mining: …of extracting ore are called stopes or rooms. There are two steps involved in stoping. The first is development—that is, preparing the ore blocks for mining—and the second is production, or stoping, itself. Ore development is generally much more expensive on a per-ton …

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Development of Empirical Rib Pillar Design …

Open stope mining is the most common mining method employed in underground, hard rock mines in Canada. It is characterised by relatively small, single lift stopes (20,000 to 100,000 tonnes), and ...

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Blast design for underground long hole stope to safeguard …

Longhole Stoping is a popular large scale underground mining method for metalliferous mine known for its ability to simplify stope sequencing. It encompasses advantage of Faster Stope Production ...

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Stope Sequencing Optimization for Underground Mines …

Sublevel stoping is an underground mining technique for mines used to extract massive or tabular, intermediate to very thick, steeply dipping orebodies with competent rock …

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Topic 9: Mining Methods Part V- Underground Mining

Selective Mining Methods Unselective Mining Methods 1) Narrow vein 2) Long-hole Open stoping 3) Sublevel Open stoping 4) Cut and Fill (C & F) stoping 5) Bench and Fill (B & F) stoping 6) Stull stoping

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Coal mining subsidence damage

Email - [email protected]. Telephone - 0345 762 6848. Telephone from outside the UK (Monday to Thursday, 8:45am to 5pm, Friday, 8:45am to 4:30pm GMT) +44 (0)1623 637000. 2. The law and ...

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Stoping | Underground Excavation, Rock Blasting & Ore …

stoping, in mining engineering, the opening of large underground rooms, or stopes, by the excavation of ore. Stoping is practiced in underground mineral mining when the surrounding rock is strong enough to permit the drilling, blasting, and removal of ore without caving. In mines where the rock requires no artificial support, the operation is ...

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Investigation of Backfilling Step Effects on …

Cemented rock fill (CRF) is commonly used in cut-and-fill stoping operations in underground mining. This allows for the maximum recovery of ore. Backfilling can improve stope stability in underground …

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Stop Mining Method

Underhand stopes are easier to prepare but rock must be removed against gravity. Production stoping usually adapts overhand methods to utilize gravity. Two common stoping methods commonly used to mine vertical deposits are shrinking stoping and sub-level stoping. Shrinking stoping gets its name from the phenomenon whereby …

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Integrated stochastic optimization of stope design and long …

A two-stage stochastic integer program (SIP) for integrated optimization of stope and development network designs and an underground mine production …

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Drilling Deeper: The Advantages of Long Hole Open Stoping …

Long-hole open stoping allows for greater flexibility in the mining process, as the drill holes can be adjusted as the mining progresses. This allows for more efficient …

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(PDF) Stability Analysis of Paste Fill as Stope Wall using …

The stability of the stope opening is a factor that greatly determines succesfull operation of an underground mining. In order to be a safe mining method by using paste fill, it is necessary to do ...

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Long Hole Mining Method Modeling

A quick google search about this topic leads to results such as: long holes sublevel stoping, transverse longhole stoping, long hole shrinkage stoping method, sublevel open stoping, and others. All these results resume to Shrinkage stoping and long hole stoping which happen to be the most used methods in the mining industry …

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A long hole stoping system for mining narrow platinum …

A long hole stoping system for mining narrow platinum reefs. The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and MetallurgyAPRIL 2002151 . Introduction. In South African metalliferous mines, stoping operations are largely confined to narrow, tabular orebodies making mechanization extremely difficult. Limited flexibility in terms of stope ...

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Gold Fields South Deep Gold Mine

The large mined-out cavities are then backfilled using mined material post-processing and pumped back underground into the large open stope cavities. These cavities can be up to 18,000m 3 in size – the size of 10 Olympic swimming pools. Backfilling is a very simple concept where the cavity creating by mining is refilled using waste mining ...

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(PDF) Factors Influencing Ore Recovery and Unplanned

Open stope mining is the most common mining method employed in underground, hard rock mines in Canada. It is characterised by relatively small, single lift stopes (20,000 to 100,000 tonnes), and ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
A long hole stoping system for mining narrow platinum reefs

Introduction In South African metalliferous mines, stoping operations are largely confined to narrow, tabular orebodies making mechanization extremely difficult. Limited flexibility in terms of stope width has necessitated drilling by means of hand held, pneumatic rock drills at most of our operations. As the largest producer of platinum in …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Long hole drilling for the platinum industry— a mining …

the in-stope long hole drilling method are the ability to throw blast and the ride of the hangingwall and footwall, for the following reasons: • The steeper the dip, the more efficient is blast and gravity-assisted ore movement into secondary cleaning points (gullies) Figure 1. Typical in-stope long hole drilling layout for a trackless mining ...

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Design Method and Application of Stope Structure

the impact of mining stress induced by deep mining on surrounding rock stability. In par- ticular, it is necessary to break through the stope structure design based on the "experi-

  • منتوجات جديدة
Underground Mining Methods

as mining nears completion, to allow the natural collapse of the roof. Sublevel Stoping Sublevel stoping is a mining method in which ore is blasted from different levels of elevation but is removed from one level at the bottom of the mine. Before mining begins, an ore pass is usually drilled from a lower to a higher elevation.

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The direct mining, milling and administration cost of handling the mine's 13.6% dilution was $5.4 million, or $29 per tonne of dilution (9% of this dilution came from the hanging wall). The ...

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Open Stope Mining Method | SpringerLink

The stope is mined in two steps. It exists in an open way and mainly relies on the strength of ore and the pillar support capacity to maintain the stability of the …

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Understanding charging and blasting solutions for

Blasting mats may be used to suppress sound and dust, prevent rock fly and to help direct and contain the dust. However, in underground mining, blast mats are not used as it is not necessary to suppress sound and rock can fly freely. As detonating explosives releases toxic gases, such as nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) …

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Current and Future Stope Design Methods for Underground Mining

Importance of Stoping-Based Methods in Underground Mining. Stoping involves using pillars or artificial supports in mining operations, as opposed to unsupported methods. Stoping has advantages for the mining industry by limiting the impact on the surface, which increases the sustainability of mines.

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2023 Mining Terms Explained | An Underground Miner

Box hole - A short raise or opening driven above a drift for the purpose of drawing ore from a stope, or to permit access. Break - A sudden drop in the market price of shares or commodities. Breast - A working face in a mine, usually restricted to a stope. Breccia - Rock characterized by large, angular fragments, often formed in volcanic …

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Drilling Deeper: The Advantages of Long Hole Open Stoping …

Long hole open stoping gives you higher production rates. Long-hole open stoping can increase production rates compared to other underground mining methods, as more ore can be extracted in a shorter period of time. This can help to improve the overall efficiency and profitability of a mining operation. Long hole open stoping is more ...

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Shrinkage Stoping Mining Method | SpringerLink

Thus, the shrinkage stoping mining method belongs to the open stoping mining method. According to the mining thickness of deposit, this method is classified into ultrathin vein type (the ore body thickness is less than 1 m, Fig. 1) and thin vein type (the ore body thickness is 1–5 m, Fig. 2). The stope is distributed along the strike, with a ...

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Designing an optimal stope layout for underground mining …

Conclusions. This article shares a heuristic algorithm for the development of an optimal stope layout in an underground mining operation. The proposed algorithm …

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