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Ball Milling In The Studio Ceramic Arts Daily Community

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What's your studio look like?

Thought it would be nice to start a thread as spring is coming on of studio photos either outside or inside-weather a basement or garage or shed-back bedroom (I started there so long ago) Weather messy or …

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Diy Ball Mill For Reclaiming Clay And Making Glaze

My project is a do it yourself ball mill for ceramics. For those of you who have never heard of a ball mill they are very efficient at pulverizing things into a fine …

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Basement Studio Help

Hello! A complete newbie to this community. I have a home basement studio and I wanted to know how others with a home/ basement studio manage dust? I do wear a mask whenever I clean and do wet sponging but I always keep coughing. I also have 3 cats that are always around me since their food and l...

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7 Useful Tips, Tools, and Techniques for the Ceramic …

Studio Tip 7. This ingenious wire tool and throwing wheel adaptation is for anybody who is tired of searching through a pool of muck or untangling a twisted, wiry mes. Attach a wire …

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Currently in my Studio...

Here it is shown in the greenware stage where I have been adding earthenware clay (finely ball milled and with talc added) to the neck. It's a LOT more complicated than just adding wet clay. I have to use bisque mender to help bind it, rough up the original bone china to give it plenty of grippy toothy surface, and fill in a lot of cracks …

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Pregnancy And Working In The Studio?

I just started up my studio right after my youngest turned three months,my older son is 2&1/2...on the days when nap times happen and happen together I spend it with my monitors in the studio, I get another two hours in after bedtime.

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ball mill use (if i can find one)

never needed a ball mill but recently, i find that one of my mason stains, vivid blue, fires with tiny cobalt speckles. totally unwanted! i sieve the glaze through a 60 mesh sieve because i have never needed anything finer. no money to buy anything else. this has happened on every piece where i h...

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Studio Operations and Making Work

Many of your answers -- including what type of clay body -- will be determined by how the pot is used . . . on a burner, on an open flame, over a flame, etc.

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Ceramic Arts Studio Supplies up for sale, where an I go the …

My family member had a Ceramics Art Studio for many years. We have many molds, paints, painting supplies, brushes, etc, tables and chairs, lamp fixture items, tools, and green wear and fired ceramics as well as 3 kilns with firing supplies, small medium and large. Its time to sell off the studio.

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Ball Milling

I just finished making a direct drive ball mill on the cheap. I'm milling my first batch of material. I have stainless steel ball bearings (1/4 ",1/2", and 3/4" dia.) in the …

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Laptop In The Studio

Ceramic Arts Daily Forums ; Studio Operations and Making Work ; Laptop In The Studio Laptop In The Studio. ... (although better fans sometimes use sealed ball bearings) so that's a little more worrysome, but only a little. PCs are common on shop floors and industrial environments... they are typically protected from dust via ordinary filters in ...

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Studio Operations and Making Work

Just center up the chuck, anchor it with clay lugs, and center up the pot in the chuck. To hold the pot steady you have to put a lot of pressure on it while you trim. To keep from pushing through the pot with your finger, put a Snapple lid on the pot and push on it. Use 1 finger and let the lid spin with the pot.

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Ball mill

I've been lucky enough to pick up a medium sized ball mill, it was used previously as a stone polisher I think. It has a 1/2 hp geared motor and octagonal body 500mm long and 450mm deep. I was hoping to use it to pummel some of the local materials down to dust for use in glaze and clay bodies.

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Studio Operations and Making Work

On 12/29/2022 at 5:30 PM, Dick White said: Be aware that most pottery clay bodies and glazes do not like extreme thermal shock. Don't put your your casserole into a preheated oven, rather put it in the cold oven and warm it up as the oven comes up to temperature. When cooked, don't put it right on a cold stone counter, it will crack from the ...

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Studio Operations and Making Work

I would do the standard demonstration of wedging at the beginning of classes on the first week. When doing the demonstration, I would tell the students that there were several reasons for wedging the clay: Remove air bubbles from the clay. Mix the clay to an even consistency. dry the clay out somewhat.

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Studio Operations and Making Work

Each part of the mould needs a release agent applied before the next part is cast, otherwise the plaster sticks to itself. Also some models need a release agent to stop the plaster from sticking to the model. Damp clay and plastic models do not need a release agent. Most other materials do.

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Bellingham Studio

Bellingham Studio posted a topic in Job and Career Opportunities. Ceramics Studio Assistant | Artist Studio – Bellingham, WA An established sculptor is seeking a creative, driven, and experienced Ceramic Studio Assistant to participate and oversee the production, maintenance and inventory of a ceramics studio within a... May …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Grinding Clay, Use A Hammer Mill?

use the human hammer mill. a sledge hammer, and a 5 gal bucket. never more than 10 pounds in bucket. think butter churn. ive made dust out granite chips and feldspar chips should be fine with clay. another suggestion was to place clay, stones etc between 2 metal plates drive car over.... refill and repeat. a ball mill would also work.

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Studio Operations and Making Work

oldlady. a very quick way to make clay more pliable is to form a thick sausage about the thickness of your arm, wrap it in a very thick, very wet towel and smack it with a stick. not a yardstick stick, a club like stick. when you unroll and wedge it, the water helps and the smacking makes it more thixotropic.

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How To Improve?

I'm doing studio work this semester at the college i received my degree from and it only costs me 120 dollars a semester with unlimited work space in the studio. Since i haven't been able to work on the wheel in 18 years because of working now that I'm retired i need it's almost like starting all over again.

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EXTREMELY Important Article About Dust In The Studio

I have mentioned this very important 2016 article (from Ceramics Monthly magazine) many times here on the forum when the subject of studio dust and cleaning and respirators comes up. The full article is now online via the DOCTOR's personal website. This is MUST READ stuff if you are working with ...

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Ball Milling

Ceramic Arts Daily Forums ; Studio Operations and Making Work ; Ball Milling Ball Milling. By jrgpots January 25, 2014 in Studio Operations and Making …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Ball mills and granite

Hi all, I'm new to making my own glazes. I'm wondering if anyone knows if the Shimpo ball mills will work for granite? I have a lot of granite on my property and would like to grind some up for testing. Many thanks in advance.

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Studio With No Main Water Or Mains Drainage....ideas ..can …

this poster is from the UK, i think. i always thought the term "mains" referred to electricity, though. a little more info would help. my florida studio is in a shed 40 feet from the trailer (caravan) i live in. there is a water line left over from the original home which i have run to a single faucet in a laundry tub.

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Opening A Community Studio

Hey All!So I have been running mini-classes out of my home studio for the past few months. It's gone swimmingly, and I am taking the leap to a bigger location/more public venue. Registration for January classes is going well, and we move into the space next week.I feel prepared, I like to think I...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Studio Operations and Making Work

1. give each student a lump of clay the size of a small orange. you do this to regulate the size. 2. Once everyone has clay, make a round ball with your hands slapping the clay. 3. demo how to pinch the clay by opening with your thumb. 4. …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Studio Operations and Making Work

Ceramic Arts Daily Forums ; Studio Operations and Making Work ; Handbuilding Question ... ===== Gorliia Slip 1 cup of Kaolin1 cup of Ball Clay1 Cup of Dr. Pepper cola1/2 cup of Stale Beer (Corona is preferred)1 Tablespoon of Elmer's White Glue1 Tablespoon of White Vinegar (for pH balance)3 Tablespoons gloss acrylic medium (she …

  • منتوجات جديدة
what is a "ball syringe"?

Christine. Posted September 5, 2011. It is a baby's ear or nose syringe for removal fluids. I used one with a cut off tip and inserted a hypodermic needle (as seen in May '97 CM article). However, if you are going to use thick slip for texturing, you will find it …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Need Help With Ball Mill

Bailey ceramics sells porcelain balls, 1/2 inch in diameter. for a 1.5 liter jar I apparently need 3 pounds of porcelain balls. ... Ceramic Arts Daily Forums ; Clay and Glaze Chemistry ; Need Help With Ball Mill Need Help With Ball Mill. By Riorose June 10, 2011 in Clay and Glaze Chemistry. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Riorose. …

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Using a pug mill for softening clay

It is a large machine! I put a 5 gallon bucket of recycled clay into the business end and it never made it thru the machine. I like throwing with soft clay and would like to run my boxed clay thru the mill to soften it. How much water should I add? I plan to run several hundred pounds thru the mill.

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Proper Pugging

You need the fines from the throwing buckets as much as you can get and the vinagar is also helpful.Adding dryer clay takes some time for all theloarticles to wet whuch means more mixing time.If you are addin g dry trimmings for example that takes longer and produced shorter clay.

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advice on smaller pug mill, please

Ceramic Arts Daily Forums ; Studio Operations and Making Work ; advice on smaller pug mill, please ... I've tried adding a little beer and a little ball clay and nothing helps except aging it for at least 3 months. I don't think any pugmill will turn out clay that is ready to throw without aging. ... Ceramic Arts Network Community Forum (Default)

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