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material sizing in iron ore slurry lines

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On-line iron-ore slurry monitoring for real-time process …

The material subjected to analysis is a large flow of iron-ore concentrate mixed with water. It forms a liquid slurry that is composed, for 72±2% (per weight), of ground mineral (65% smaller than 50 μm with occasional particles >5 mm) and water. The temperature of the slurry ranges from 30 to 55°C.

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Application of response surface analysis to iron ore slurry …

The design of this experiment and the experimental results for apparent viscosity for rheology characteristics of iron ore-water slurry is given in Table 4. The minimum apparent viscosity of iron ore-water slurry was found to be 15.9 mPa·s. Regression analysis was performed to fit the response function of apparent viscosity …

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Rheology of Slurry: A Review

Experiments have shown that it is possible to obtain a concentrate containing 65% iron, 1.8% alumina and 1.4% silica with an iron recovery of 80% from the tailings of Barsuan iron ore plant ...

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Guidelines for Slurry Piping and Pipeline System Design

Slurry pipelines are used to move slurries for long distances. The main concern with slurry pipelines is pipe abrasion and the associated erosion loss. Various materials like carbon steel, …

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Long distance slurry pipelines in Australasia: an historical

The Savage River iron ore slurry pipeline commenced transporting magnetite concentrate on October 26, 1967 and has continuously operated for over 45 years. A key element in the evolution of long distance slurry pipelines is the adaptation of cross country oil and gas pipeline technology to the transport of minerals and coal in …

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Pipe Material for Iron Ore Slurry Pipe Lines | bulk-online

Could any one answer what are the ideal pipe material for Iron Ore Slurry Pipe Lines? Whether DI pipes could be used for Iron Ore Slurry Pipe Lines?ashok.mallick@gmail

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Online analysis of iron ore slurry using PGNAA technology …

Abstract. Real-time analysis of metallic mineral grade and slurry concentration is significant for improving flotation efficiency and product quality. This …

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Slurry characteristics definition can be performed in 2 phases. The first phase is by laboratory testing where a representative sample of the slurry is prepared at different concentrations. From this test, the slurry particle size distribution and rheology are obtained (see Figure 5). The result of this test is sufficient to produce an engineering

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Influence of particle size and mineral phase in the analysis of iron …

Spectra from the BMD and MagC samples (put in slurry form) were acquired and averaged over 1200 shots. These are shown in Fig. 1; apart from a few peaks due to magnesium and silicon, the great majority of peaks are attributed to iron.BMD has a ratio of hematite to magnetite of 3:1 and MagC a ratio of 1:5; in terms of mineral phases, these …

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CSIRO: Understanding Slurry is Key to Good Tailings Pipeline …

On the other hand, a dilute slurry, such as iron ore tailings, has a lower viscosity and therefore needs to be pumped at higher velocity to reduce settling. Pumping at higher velocity has a downside though. It increases the velocity of solid particles hitting the walls of the pipe which in turn increases wear on the pipe walls.

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Slurry rheology and tailings pumping design

In the example of the iron ore mine in the Pilbarra, slurry flow at approximately 40 weight % solids follows a Newtonian slurry calculation, and when the slurry is thickened to the target concentration of 50 weight % solids, the slurry has a significantly higher viscosity. A photo of the installed pipeline is shown in Fig 6.

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Controlling the rheology of iron ore slurries and tailings with …

Volume 166, 1 June 2021, 106874. Controlling the rheology of iron ore slurries and tailings with surface chemistry for enhanced beneficiation performance and output, reduced …

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material sizing in iron ore slurry lines

material sizing in iron ore slurry lines . Ore smaller than 1/4 is pumped in slurry solution to thefrom the noniron material. The magnetic iron ore isInquire Now iron ore slurry line brazil Grinding Mill China. iron ore slurry line brazil The Gulin product line consisting of more than 30 machines sets thematerial sizing in iron ore slurry .

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(PDF) On-stream analysis of iron ore slurry using laser …

The characteristic line of F was used to estimate the P 2 O 5 content assuming the presence of P in a single form which is the Fluorapatite Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 F 10 .

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Hydraulic convey of iron ore slurry: Pipeline wear and ore …

This paper reports and discusses the results of an experimental investigation on hydraulic transportation of iron ore concentrate and its effect on slurry wear, pure erosion and pure corrosion of a carbon steel pipe.For this, a specially designed test-loop was built to simulate long distance iron ore transportation, allowing also to determine …

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Testing and modelling of diverse iron ore slurries for pipeline

In all, 19 tests were performed with d50 particle sizes ranging from 50 μm to 3.2 mm and delivered solids concentrations from 10 per cent to 43 per cent by volume. Particle size …

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Slurry Pipelines

the slurry and again there would be ex­ cessive erosion. The research team also needed to find out if the slurry particle size would be reduced as the slurry trav­ eled down the line. Perhaps most impor­ tant, the degree to which pressure would drop along the pipeline had to be deter­ mined, so that when a full-scale line was

  • منتوجات جديدة
An investigation into the influence of microwave energy on iron ore …

The system illustrated as Fig. 1, mainly consisted of a prototype microwave oven (LG MC-808WAR model) which was used for microwave pretreatment of iron ore.The oven was a 530 mm (W) × 500 mm (D) × 322 mm (H) capacity with specifications frequency 50 Hz, power level 900 W at high level, output frequency 2.45 GHz, usable volume 27 L, …

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On-stream mineral identification of tailing slurries of an iron ore …

A set of 14 slurry samples was available from the tailings stream of a flotation plant where the plant belonged to an iron ore concentrator. The iron ore concentrator was operating by magnetic and gravity separation processes. Additionally, the processes were followed by a reverse cationic flotation of quartz (gangue mineral) …

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sbm/sbm iron ore slurry at main

Contribute to chengxinjia/sbm development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Underground mining slurry transportation viability

slurry pipelines being used in India is at Kudremukh from where iron ore slurry is being trans:ported through a stainless steel pipeline 57 km long, 430 mm U by 5 slurry pumps rubber lined, centrifugal type in series, each of 385 kw approximately. The longest iron concrete slurry pipe-line of the world is at Samarco, Brazil, 253 km long,

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Solved The slurry mixture of iron ore and water is to be

The slurry mixture of iron ore and water is to be transported to a process section located 20 m away from a crusher, through a smooth pipe of 150 mm diameter. The slurry contains 15% ore particles (volumetric percentage) with the size distribution shown in Figure 1. The water performance curves for the nominated pump are provided in Figure 2.

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Mechanics of an Iron Ore Tailings Exhibiting Transitional …

The particle size distribution (PSD) curve of the iron ore tailings used in this study is presented in Fig. ... Preparation of slurry deposited (SD) samples was similar to the method used by Sheeran and Krizek ... unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence ...

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material sizing in iron ore slurry lines

The iron ore mineral slurry was sourced from a mine in Pilbara region of Western Australia The particle size distribution of this slurry measured by a Mastersizer A slurry pipeline is a specially engineered pipeline used to move ores, such as coal or iron, or mining waste, called tailings, over long distances A mixture of the ore concentrate ...

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Long-Distance Slurry Pipelines | SpringerLink

Yearly these pipelines carry millions of tons copper, iron ore, phosphate, bauxite, nickel ore, kaolin, and other solid material over thousands of kilometers. This …

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World's Longest & Largest Slurry Pipeline | Minas-Rio

The Brazilian project is an integrated system comprising open-pit mines, a beneficiation plant, a 529 km slurry pipeline, a filtering plant and an export terminal at the Atlantic port of Açu. The pipeline is the longest iron concentrate pipeline in the world, in addition to being the largest tonnage. The pipeline traverses difficult terrain ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Pipeline Slurry Transportation System: An Overview

"Effect of particle size, blend ratio and some selective bio–additives on rheological behaviour of high–concentration iron ore slurry." In Proc., 21st Int. Seminar on Paste …

  • منتوجات جديدة
On-line iron-ore slurry monitoring for real-time process …

DOI: 10.1016/S0584-8547(01)00227-0 Corpus ID: 96271682; On-line iron-ore slurry monitoring for real-time process control of pellet making processes using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: graphitic vs. total carbon detection ☆

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Influence of particle size and mineral phase in the analysis of iron …

Materials. Ore samples were taken directly from the process of an iron ore plant treating ores containing typically 25% magnetite (the range seating between 10% and 40%). The samples are, namely, the discharge from a ball mill (BMD), the concentrated material from a magnetic separator (MagC) and the concentrated product from a …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Online analysis of iron ore slurry using PGNAA technology …

The iron ore of interest in this study is hematite, the main component of which is Fe 2 O 3, an oxidized ore containing less harmful impurities such as S and P.It is closely embedded with gangue dominated by quartz (SiO 2) and calcite (CaCO 3) [21].At the flotation operation site, the ore is crushed, ground and graded to form fine mineral …

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Improving Rheology, Slurryability and Stability of Iron Ore

The iron ore samples with three distinct particle size ranges (< 38, 38–75, 75–106 µm) are used to prepare eight different bi-modal slurry samples. The rheological characteristics of the slurry are investigated at a shear rate range between 50 and 600 1/s, and regression analysis is performed to evaluate the nature of the slurry.

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An investigation into the influence of microwave energy on iron ore …

A method of pipelining iron ore permits transporting a range of particle sizes in the slurry through the use of relatively small concentration additives like chemical dispersant and viscosity control additives. Many stiff pastes, made up of finely ground solid material with enough liquid to saturate the voids, have both a yield stress and a ...

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Long-Distance Slurry Pipelines | SpringerLink

The slurry is usually 60–70% water by volume. Fig. 2. Typical long-distance slurry pipeline. Full size image. Once delivered to the agitated storage tanks, a quality control procedure is followed before the slurry is cleared for pumping. The level of quality control depends on the type of slurry and pipeline system.

  • منتوجات جديدة
On-line iron-ore slurry monitoring for real-time process …

The material subjected to analysis is a large flow of iron-ore concentrate mixed with water. It forms a liquid slurry that is composed, for 72±2% (per weight), of ground mineral (65% smaller than 50 μm with occasional particles >5 mm) and water.

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Assignment Slurry Flow Iron ore is to be transported

Transcribed image text: Assignment Slurry Flow Iron ore is to be transported to a process section located 3 km away from a crushing plant, through a pipe of 300 mm diameter. The output of the crushing unit is a mixture of 45% sand and 12% ore (volumetric percentage). Figure 1 shows results of particle size analysis for each of the solid particles.

  • منتوجات جديدة
Pipeline Slurry Transportation System: An Overview

"Effect of particle size, blend ratio and some selective bio–additives on rheological behaviour of high–concentration iron ore slurry." In Proc., 21st Int. Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, 227–238.

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