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lgium dolomite exploitation in south africa

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Dolomite Guide

under-lain by dolomites (Butrick, DB, van Schalkwyk, A, Kleywegt, RJ & Watermeyer RB, 2001. Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment in South Africa. Journal of The South African Institution of Civil Engineers, 43(2). The joint Structural Division established the following minimum requirements and

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Dolomites : problem soils in South Africa

Abstract. Damage to structures and loss of life have been far more severe on dolomite than on any other geological formation in South Africa. The subsidence which occurs on …

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South Africa underinvestment to protect children from sexual exploitation

South African government's underinvestment inhibits efforts to protect children from sexual exploitation. Posted on Oct 29, 2019. A new briefing paper jointly launched today by ECPAT International and the Youth Research Unit of the Bureau of Market Research at the University of South Africa, warns that high levels of violence, …

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Trace-element content and partitioning in calcite, dolomite …

A carbonatite sample from Phalaborwa, South Africa, consists of apatite, magnetite and a calcite-dolomite 'perthite' which is interpreted as being due to exsolution of dolomite from a high-Mg calcite precursor. Carbon and oxygen isotope data indicate that the carbonates are equilibrated.

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Exploitation of children | UNICEF South Africa

One third of children in South Africa at risk of online violence, exploitation and abuse PRETORIA, 08 February 2021 – More than 95 per cent of children in South Africa have access to the Internet regularly, but their risky online behaviour can expose them to online violence, exploitation and abuse, according to the 'SA Kids Online Study ...

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The 1:50 000 geological map shows that the site is underlain by dolomite of the Chuniespoort Group, Transvaal Sequence and by syenite. The geology is shown on …

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A Guideline for the Assessment, Planning and …

1 DESCRIPTION OF THE DOLOMITIC RESOURCE IN SOUTH AFRICA Karst aquifers, specifically in dolomite rock, represent South Africa's single largest and most important aquifer type (an explanation of "karst" is given in Section 1.4). Dolomite aquifers store large volumes of water, support numerous springs and

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The exploitation of Migrant Labour in the Hospitality Industry in South

The hospitality. industry makes up 67% of all tourism in South Africa, followed by travel which constitutes 1 6%. of the tourism sector (HSRC, 2005: 16) "Hospitality is by far the largest ...

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Vulnerability of dolomite aquifers in South Africa: Water …

Request PDF | On Oct 16, 2009, K Witthueser and others published Vulnerability of dolomite aquifers in South Africa: Water supply and sanitation environment | Find, read and cite all the research ...

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South Africa Special Rapporteur on the sale and …

this regard for South Africa. This Protocol provide guidelines on managing the prevention and management of violence, child abuse, neglect and exploitation in order to render standardisation services to children in the communities. In addition to the Inter-Sectoral Protocol, South Africa's Constitution is underpinned by

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Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment in South

In the Far West Rand of South Africa, catastrophic sinkholes induced by dewatering of dolomite aquifers for gold mining have caused a total of 38 fatalities (Buttrick et al., 2001; De Bruyn and ...

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Restoration of Lake St Lucia, the largest estuary in South Africa

Abstract. Restoration of estuarine function to the Lake St Lucia system, the largest estuary in South Africa, was initiated in 2010. Significant change began with the reversal of a mouth management policy that was adopted in 1952 and maintained for the next 60 years, focusing on the separation of a major tributary, the uMfolozi River, from …

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The application of machine learning for groundwater level

In this study, Neural Network Autoregression (NNAR) was applied to obtain groundwater level predictions in the Steenkoppies compartment of the Gauteng and North West Dolomite Aquifer in South Africa. Multiple variables (rainfall, temperature, groundwater usage and spring discharge from the Maloney's Eye spring) were chosen as input …

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Vulnerability of dolomite aquifers in South Africa

ABSTRACT: The karstified dolomites of the Chuniespoort Group are vital water resources for the expanding rural, urban and industrial complexes in Gauteng and Rustenburg, South Africa. Another example of the importance of the dolomites is their roles in sustaining the protected areas of the Blyde River Canyon and Sudwala Caves, Mpumalanga, South ...

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Vulnerability of dolomite aquifers in South Africa

The present pressure on expansion of urban and agricultural development onto the dolomites is cause for major concern due to the enormous potential for pollution of the …

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South Africa

South Africa - British Occupation, Colonization, Boer War: When Great Britain went to war with France in 1793, both countries tried to capture the Cape so as to control the important sea route to the East. The British occupied the Cape in 1795, ending the Dutch East India Company's role in the region. Although the British relinquished the colony to the Dutch in …

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Analytical Study of Dolomite Sinkholes in …

Page 1. ANALYTICAL STUDY OF DOLOMITE SINKHOLES IN CENTURION, SOUTH AFRICA. D. Avutia 1 and D. Kalumba 2. 1 SRK Consulting, Johannesburg, South Africa, [email protected]. 2 …

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Dolomite Aquifers of South Africa October 2010

Report describes geology, hydrogeology, groundwater levels and trends, groundwater quality and evaluates current water use in the "escarpment" dolomites of the Blyde …

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Construction on dolomite in south Africa

Construction on dolomite in south Africa. Wagener, Fritz Von M. ; Day, Peter W. Damage to structures and loss of life have been more severe on dolomite than on any other geological formation in southern Africa. The subsidence that occurs on dolomitic terrain following development or during dewatering has given dolomite a notorious reputation ...

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Vulnerability of dolomite aquifers in South Africa

1989. ¡OS fjullcq,n. vol 20 no 2. Inst tute of Des elopntent Sitahes, Sussex these flows. Indicators of poverty are then easily taken as indicators of other dimensions of deprivation. including…. Expand. 1,056. PDF. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Vulnerability of dolomite aquifers in South Africa" by K. Witthueser et al.

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Stromatolites from the Precambrian Transvaal Dolomite …

Abstract. Stromatolites of the South African Precambrian have been abundantly described. In 1935 Young compared the stromatolites of the Transvaal Dolomite with recent algal structures, at that time discovered by Black (1933) in the Bahamas. Truswell and Eriksson (1972, 1973,1974) and Button (1971,1973) gave a valuable classification of these ...

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Sexual exploitation | UNICEF South Africa

Report. 07 November 2022. Funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, through its Safe Online initiative, ECPAT, INTERPOL, and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti worked in partnership to design and implement Disrupting Harm – a research project focused on online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA).

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The risks associated with mines in dolomitic …

The dolomites of the West Rand comprise one of South Africa's most natural water resources, and overlie the reefs of the richest gold mines in the world. The pumping of …

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Karst geomorphology and related environmental problems …

These are mainly the dolomites of the Kanye Basin in southern Botswana, which is an important dolomite karst outside South Africa. The dolomites of this basin have a similar lithostatigraphy to those of the old Transvaal province, as they belong to the Transvaal Supergroup (Altermann and Wotherspoon, 1995; Eriksson et al., 1995).

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Hydrochemical and isotopic approach to dynamic recharge of a dolomite

The dolomite aquifer is the largest water source in northern South Africa. The flow dynamics of the dolomite aquifer is investigated by using analyses of the hydro-chemical parameters and isotopes (3 H, δ 2 H, δ 18 O, δ 13 C-DIC and 14 C-DIC) of spring samples.Recharge areas of the dolomite aquifer are confirmed through interpretation of …

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Trace-element content and partitioning in calcite, dolomite …

A carbonatite sample from Phalaborwa, South Africa, consists of apatite, magnetite and a calcitedolomite 'perthite' which is interpreted as being due to exsolution of dolomite from a high-Mg ...

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South Africa: Report finds high prevalence of Online Child …

In addition to South Africa, the project evaluated online child sexual exploitation and abuse in 12 other countries around the world, including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Namibia and Mozambique in Africa. The report found that in the past year between 7% and 9% of children aged 12-17 years using the internet experienced …

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Labor Exploitation in the South African Mining Industry

South Africa is an interesting country to look at as a case study for trafficking in the extractive mining industry because of the country's history of conflict both in its early years, and in ...

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The North West Dolomite Aquifers, South Africa: A Stalled Opportunity

The North West dolomite aquifers, South Africa: a stalled opportunity for water security and development. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 22p. (Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP) Case Profile Series 03). doi: 10.5337/2018.223. ISSN 2520-2405 (Online) ISSN 2520 …

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Dolomite Guideline

Dolomite is a single mineral consisting of the chemical combination of calcium and mag-nesium carbonate (CaMg(CO 3) 2). The rock In South Africa the word 'Dolomite', …

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The Dolomite Risk Management Strategy of the Department of Public Works encompasses the policies and procedures set in place to reduce the likelihood of sinkholes and subsidences occurring in dolomite areas of South Africa under its jurisdiction. These procedures and policies govern all facets of

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Dolomites : problem soils in South Africa

Abstract. Damage to structures and loss of life have been far more severe on dolomite than on any other geological formation in South Africa. The subsidence which occurs on dolomitic terrain following development or during dewatering has given dolomite a notorious reputation and many developers have become reluctant to build on it. The …

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South Africa ranked 16 out of the 60 countries scored by the Out of the Shadows Index on the country's response to child sexual exploitation and abuse, with a score of 58.1. Within Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa was the top performer among 16 countries surveyed, ranking just ahead of Uganda (57.3) and Tanzania (56.5).

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